The Library and its staff have been happy to be able to reopen to the public with limitations in place designed to ensure the safety of our users. However, we realize that the current COVID-19 pandemic still can make it difficult to get out and return library materials. We have several systems, both new and existing, in place to help make returning library materials a less painful process, and we are also changing the format of our library programs to adapt to the times.
We are still offering curbside circulation for anyone who does not want to come inside the Library; to place books on hold you can use our public catalog at or call us at 252-527-7066.
We have also begun to offer auto-renewals on all library materials other than videos and games. This service automatically renews items that are eligible to be renewed if they are not returned by the initial due date. Please note that items cannot be renewed if they are on hold for another library user or they are at the renewal limit (typically one renewal per item), so be aware that not all items will auto-renew.
Users can receive notifications by text or email on auto-renewals; you can also be informed of arrived holds, upcoming due dates, and other library status changes. To sign up for this service, log into your account through our public catalog at or give us a call at 252-527-7066. To log in, use the number on the back of your library card and the last four digits of the card number for the PIN. Click on Account Preferences and then Notification Preferences to set up your preferred method of contact. You can also sign up for weekly notifications of library events and promotions at our website. Scroll down to the bottom and look for the sign up link to subscribe to our newsletter.
We are also beginning our new “Try It @ Your Library” programming initiative to replace regular library programming. Because large groups are still unable to meet for these types of programs, instead we are offering “pop up” programs daily at each of our Library locations. Topics can include anything from crafting, technology, library services, and how to do DIY tasks. Be on the lookout for these new programs the next time you’re at one of our Libraries, or ask staff for more information. If you see a Try It program on social media that you are interested in, please let staff at that library know and we will provide information on the program, and sometimes may be able to provide a handout or take home kit for trying the activity at home at your leisure.
We hope that some of these changes can help alleviate some of the difficulty around returning materials and benefiting from library programs and services during these challenging times. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to assist you with using library materials or services by calling 252-527-7066 or emailing us at